Message Level sentiments

In this methodology ,sentiment analysis is the process of determining whether each message/line in a conversation is positive, negative, or neutral. Sentiment analysis on messages combines natural language processing and machine learning procedures to allot sentiment scores to the message .

For every text/audio/video processed by Symbl , you can get sentiments for each message by using our Get Messages API , you will need to pass an additional query parameter while making the API call. As shown below{conversationId}/messages?sentiment=true”

Once you hit this endpoint corresponding to your conversation ID , you will get a json response in the format shown below :

    "messages": [
             "id": "6412283618000896",
             "text": "Best package for you is $69.99 per month.",
             "from": {
                 "name": "Roger",
                 "email": ""
             "startTime": "2020-07-10T11:16:21.024Z",
             "endTime": "2020-07-10T11:16:26.724Z",
             "conversationId": "6749556955938816",
             "phrases": [
                    "type": "action_phrase",
                    "text": "$69.99 per month"
             "sentiment": {
                "polarity": {
                    "score": 0.6
                "suggested": "positive"